My mathematical research interest lies in algebraic number theory. I am now working on Iwasawa theory, which is regarded as the best way to understand the arithmetic meaning of zeta and L-values of various motives. Especially, Iwasawa main conjectures give the precise connection between the congruence properties of the special values of L-functions (p-adic L-functions) and the (dual of) Selmer groups of a given motive. Many interesting arithmetic properties are encoded in Selmer groups; for example, in the case of elliptic curves, Selmer groups contain the information of the rational points of elliptic curves (Mordell-Weil groups) and the failure of the local-global principle (the p-primary part of Tate-Shafarevich groups).
Research Themes
Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory for modular forms à la Bertolini-Darmon, Gross, and Vatsal.
Overconvergent construction of anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions.
A bit more explicit computation of Bloch-Kato's exponential and dual exponential maps.
Kato's Euler systems (ref. The paper,
Colmez's Bourbaki seminar).
Integral periods of modular forms.
Arithmetic applications of modularity lifting theorems.
Arithmetic applications of p-adic local Langlands correspondence
(ref. Repr\'{e}sentations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques
and Three).
Refined Iwasawa theory and the structure of Selmer groups.
Hida and Coleman families.
p-adic variation of Euler and Kolyvagin systems.
Kato's epsilon conjecture.
Applications of machine learning (or any ``applied mathematics") to number theory (Hope I can do this soon..)
Math Writings
The arXiv versions would be different from the published one.
Please send me an email if you want to check the published version (and you do not have subscription).
My Erd\"{o}s number is 4 (Chan-Ho Kim - Tom Weston - Chantal David - Antal Balog - Paul Erd\"{o}s).
On the adjoint Selmer groups of semi-stable elliptic curves and Flach's zeta elements
The refined Tamagawa number conjectures for GL_2
with an appendix in collaboration with Robert Pollack
preprint available upon request
The structure of Selmer groups and the Iwasawa main conjecture for elliptic curves
submitted; video lecture at ICTS
Refined applications of Kato's Euler systems for modular forms
On the Iwasawa invariants of Kato's zeta elements for modular forms
with Jaehoon Lee and Gautier Ponsinet
An anticyclotomic Mazur-Tate conjecture for modular forms
On the anticyclotomic Mazur-Tate conjecture for elliptic curves with supersingular reduction
to appear in Bertolini's 60th birthday conference proceedings
A user's guide to Beilinson-Kato's zeta elements (expository)
to appear in the proceedings of the ICTS program "Elliptic curves and the special values of L-functions"
On the mod p Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves (pdf)
with R. Sujatha
Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics, December 2024, pp. 25--48
ICCGNFRT (International Conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics) 2021 and 2022 conference proceedings
A higher Gross-Zagier formula and the structure of Selmer groups (arXiv)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 377, No. 5, May 2024, pp. 3691--3725
On the quantitative variation of congruence ideals and integral periods of modular forms (arXiv)
with Kazuto Ota
Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2023, Vol. 10, Article number 22
Anticyclotomic main conjecture and the non-triviality of Rankin-Selberg L-values in Hida families (arXiv)
with Matteo Longo
Journal of Number Theory, September 2023, Vol. 250, pp. 183--205
An explicit comparison of anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions for Hida families (arXiv)
with Matteo Longo
International Journal of Number Theory, 2023, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 2021--2050
On the soft p-converse to a theorem of Gross-Zagier and Kolyvagin (arXiv)
Mathematische Annalen, 2023, Vol. 387, pp. 1961--1968
A proof of Perrin-Riou's Heegner point main conjecture (arXiv)
with Ashay A. Burungale and Francesc Castella
Algebra \& Number Theory, Vol. 15 (2021), No. 7, pp. 1627--1653 (It's the revised version of this article.)
Indivisibility of Kato's Euler systems and Kurihara numbers (expository)
with an appendix by Alex Ghitza
RIMS K\^{o}ky\^{u}roku Bessatsu, 2021, B86, pp. 63--86;
the relevant Sage code is available.
On the refined conjectures on Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of elliptic curves with supersingular reduction (arXiv)
with Masato Kurihara
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 14, July 2021, pp. 10559--10599
On the indivisibility of derived Kato's Euler systems and the main conjecture for modular forms (arXiv)
with Myoungil Kim and Hae-Sang Sun
Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 2020, Vol. 26, Issue 2, Article Number 31
Remarks on Kato's Euler systems for elliptic curves with additive reduction (arXiv)
with Kentaro Nakamura
Journal of Number Theory, 2020, Vol. 210, pp. 249--279
Overconvergent quaternionic forms and anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions (arXiv)
Publicacions Matem\`{a}tiques, Vol. 63 (2019), No. 2, pp. 727--767
Variation of anticyclotomic Iwasawa invariants in Hida families (pdf)
with Francesc Castella and Matteo Longo
Algebra \& Number Theory, Vol. 11 (2017), No. 10, pp. 2339--2368
On the freeness of anticyclotomic Selmer groups of modular forms (pdf)
with Robert Pollack and Tom Weston
International Journal of Number Theory, July 2017, Vol. 13, No. 06, pp. 1443--1455
Anticyclotomic Iwasawa invariants and congruences of modular forms (pdf) (This is my thesis.)
Asian Journal of Mathematics, June 2017, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 499--530
Lecture note on local class field theory (99 pages)
written by 9 Korean graduate students for the preparation of the instructional workshop on class field theory
non-refereed and not intended for publication; available upon request
In preparation (to push myself..)
(title undecided, something on p-adic L-functions over the eigencurve), with Kentaro Nakamura
in progress
(title undecided, something on Eisenstein ideals anc Deligne-Soule's cyclotomic elements), with Gyujin Oh
in progress
(title undecided, something on Conjecture A), with R. Sujatha
in progress
(title undecided, something on Flach-Weston's algebraic cycles), with Ryotaro Sakamoto
in progress
(title undecided, something on Eisenstein congruences), with Kenichi Namikawa
in progress
(title undecided, something on Eisenstein series and theta functions), with Yeong-Wook Kwon
in progress
(title undecided, something on Heegner points over function fields), with Yoonjin Lee
in progress
List of talks I've given:
2025/06/25-07/04, Iwasawa Theory Taipei Summer School, NCTS, Taiwan
2025/02/10-11, SNU Algebra Camp
2025/02/06-07, Annual Number Theory 2025, CNU, Gwangju, Korea
2024/10/18, Workshop on Mathematical Challenges 2024, Forest Resom Hotel & Resort, Jecheon, Korea
2024/07/26, Development of Iwasawa theory (in honor of the 60th birthday of Masato Kurihara), Keio University, Japan
2024/07/17, Pan Asia Number Theory Conference 2024, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam
2024/05/17, SNU
2024/03/11-13, UNIST
2024/01/04, Special values of L-functions, Sanya, China
2023/08/08-09 Jeonbuk National University
2023/06/21, KAIST
2023/06/02, Seoul National University
2023/05/16, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan (online)
2023/04/28, 2023 KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon
2023/03/31, Korea University
2023/01/09, Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of L-functions, Sheraton Grand Incheon Hotel, Incheon
2022/12/5, Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry session, The 2022 Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress
2022/11/26, JBNU
2022/11/16, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China (online)
2022/08/18, Elliptic curves and the special values of L-functions, ICTS, India (online)
2022/06/07, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (online)
2022/05/17-6/7, SNU, Seoul, Korea (online)
2022/04/21, UCSB, US (online)
2022/03/19, Keio University (online)
2022/03/16, Sun Yat-sen University, China (online)
2021/10/20, Build a network of young researchers in mathematics II, KMS (online)
2021/10/15, UCSC, US (online)
2021/09/14, 2021 Yonsei Workshop on Elliptic Curves, Yonsei University (online)
2021/09/06-09, UNIST (online)
2021/08/02-07, Introduction to Beilinson-Kato elements and their applications, ICTS, India (online)
2021/05/03, Webinar in Number Theory, French-Korean IRL in Mathematics (online)
2021/02/25, Arizona State University (online)
2021/02/20, Annual Number Theory workshop 2021 (online)
2021/01/28, University College Dublin (online)
2020/11/12, L-values and Iwasawa Theory (online)
2020/10/26, Keio University (online)
2020/10/24, 2020 KMS Annual Meeting (online)
2020/08/26, 3rd Chennai-Tirupati Number Theory Conference, IIT Madras (online)
2020/07/13-24, UNIST (online)
2020/05/20, Heilbronn Number Theory Seminar, University of Bristol, UK (online)
2019/11/20, CMC special weeks on number theory, KIAS
2019/10/09, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
2019/08/08, KIAS
2019/05/31, Padova school on Serre conjectures and the $p$-adic Langlands program, Padova, Italy
2019/05/16, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
2019/05/14, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2019/03/15, SNU, Seoul, Korea
2019/02/12, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2018/12/04, Keio-Yonsei Joint Workshop, Keio, Yokohama, Japan
2018/11/27, Algebraic number theory and related topics 2018, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan
2018/10/05, Advances on automorphic forms and related topics, COEX, Seoul
2018/06/26, Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra, Yeosu, Korea
2018/04/09, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
2018/03/22, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, China
2018/02/12, The 7th Number Theory Festival, UNIST, Korea
2018/02/07, The 7th East Asia Number Theory Conference, TIMS, Taiwan
2017/11/03, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea
2017/11/01, Postech, Pohang, Korea
2017/09/14, Workshop on $p$-adic $L$-functions and algebraic cycles, Taipei, Taiwan
2017/04/19, UNIST
2017/04/17, UNIST
2017/04/13, KIAS
2017/02/21, The 6th Number Theory Festival, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
2017/01/20, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2017/01/13, Waseda University, Japan
2016/11/14, Keio University, Japan
2016/09/21, UNIST
2016/04/28, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, China
2016/02/15, The 5th Number Theory Festival, Kyungnam University, Korea
2016/02/02, 2016 Korea-Japan Joint Number theory Seminar, Postech, Korea
2016/01/29, Sendai International Conference on Arithmetic Geometry in 2016, Tohoku University, Japan
2015/11/27, Industrious Number Theory, KIAS
2015/09/21, Postech
2015/08/25, Arithmetic of Euler systems, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain
2015/07/28, KAIST
2015/07/23, Pan Asian Number Theory 2015, Sanya, China
2015/04/09, Caltech
2015/03/16, Universit\'{e} Laval, Qu\'{e}bec, Canada
2014/12/23, KIAS
2014/11/04, University of Chicago
2014/11/03, Northwestern University
2014/08/29, Postech
2014/04/17, UCSD
2014/03/03, UCLA
2013/10/01, UC Irvine
2013/09/12, Qu\'{e}bec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar, Montreal, Canada
2013/01/08, Workshop on modular forms and Galois representations, KIAS
2012/12/17, Keio University, Japan
2012/11/05, BU
Interesting math and non-math stuff on the internet
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Axiom of Choice 2
Axiom of Choice 3
Axiom of Choice 4
Axiom of Choice 5
Kurihara's Japanese writings
Kato's Japanese writings
Kato's lecture series (2006, in Japanese)
Thinking Space
How to study spectral sequences
Geometric vs. Arithmetic Frobenii
The topology of the Robba ring
BSD, p-adic BSD, and Iwasawa main conjecture
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Almost purity theorem
Vanishing cycles
Computing hypercohomology
Computing monodromy
Monodromy and global cohomology
Pontryagin dual and mu invariants
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*Ordinary* Galois representations
Ordinary local Galois invariants
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Characteristic complexes in Iwasawa theory
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Flat topology
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Reference book for Galois Representations
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Semisimplicity of Frobenius on *integral* Tate module
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Refereeing a Paper
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Reading the mind of Prof. John Coates (motive behind his statement)
etale cohomology of an abelian variety and its dual
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Do Tamagawa numbers of Galois representations stabilise in the cyclotomic tower?
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