
For letters of recommendation, I follow Rob Pollack's rule.

Teaching at Jeonbuk National University

Spring 2025 - Discrete Mathematics

This is a course on discrete mathematics for math majors. We discuss mathematical induction, counting, discrete probability, relations, etc. The main textbook is Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth Rosen.

Spring 2025 - Mathematical Foundation of Cryptology

This is a course for understanding how two people can communicate securely via an insecure line by using some interesting principles of mathematics. The main textbook is
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman.

Fall 2024 - Set Theory

This is an introductory course on writing proofs for the first year undergraduates. The main textbook is An introduction to mathematical proof, which has been used in UBC.

``Teaching" at KIAS, Seoul, Korea

Although there is no teaching duty at KIAS, I gave a 2 hour lecture series on automorphic forms and Iwasawa theory (almost) every Friday from October 2015 to August 2016. The main texts are Goldfeld-Hundley's book, Bushnell-Henniart's book, and Kato's lecture note on generalized Iwasawa theory (`Lectures on ... via B_{dR} Part 1'). Also, I gave an 8 hour lecture series on the application of elliptic curves to cryptography at Ewha Womans University in the Spring semester, 2017.

Teaching at UC Irvine, CA, USA

If you want to take Math 199 with me, you should take the whole Math 120A/B/C sequence and the Math 180A/B sequence with better grades than A-.


Spring 2015 - Math 230C - Algebra 3 (graduate level)

The course evaluation is available here

Winter 2015 - Math 3A - Introduction to Linear Algebra

The course evaluation is available here

Winter 2015 - Math 230B - Algebra 2 (graduate level)

The course evaluation is available here

Fall 2014 - Math 230A - Algebra 1 (graduate level)

The course evaluation is available here

Fall 2014 - Math 173A - Introduction to Cryptology 1 (again!)


Spring 2014 - Math 2B - Single-variable Calculus 2

Spring 2014 - Math 120C - Introduction to Galois theory

Winter 2014 - Math 3A - Introduction to Linear Algebra

Winter 2014 - Math 173B - Introduction to Cryptology 2

Fall 2013 - Math 173A - Introduction to Cryptology 1

Teaching at Boston University, MA, USA


Summer 1 2013 - MA341 - Introduction to Number Theory

I taught this course with full responsibility.

Spring 2013 - MA225B - Multivariate Calculus - Instructor : Gene Wayne

I lead 4 weekly one-hour discussion sections for `Multivariate Calculus'.
I also grade quizzes and exams. For detail, please visit Mymathlab

Fall 2012 - No Teaching (thanks to the support by my advisor Rob Pollack)

Summer 1 2012 - MA341 - Introduction to Number Theory

I taught this course with full responsibility. Here is the syllabus. The course evaluation is available here.


Fall 2011, Spring 2012 - No Teaching (thanks to the support by my advisor Rob Pollack)

Summer 2 2011 - PROMYS

I served as a counselor for teachers. We helped teachers to think mathematically with daily problem sets. We also graded a problem set every weekday and discussed with teachers.


Spring 2011 - ST112 Studio - University Honors College - Instructor : Steven Rosenberg

I and Ross Sweet graded homeworks with detailed comments and made solutions: Handouts

Fall 2010 - MA121 C2-C6 - Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I - Instructor : Ranjan Panth

I led 5 weekly one-hour discussion sections for `Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I' (It's my third time!)
I also graded weekly quizzes and exams. For detail, please visit Blackboard

Summer 2 2010 - PROMYS

I served as a counselor for teachers. We helped teachers to think mathematically with daily problem sets. We also graded a problem set every weekday and discussed with teachers.


Spring 2010 - MA121 C2-C4 - Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I - Instructor : Ranjan Panth

I led 3 weekly one-hour discussion sections for `Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I' (Again!)
I also graded weekly quizzes and exams. For detail, please visit Courseinfo

Fall 2009 - MA121 C2-C6 - Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I - Instructor : Ranjan Panth

I led 5 weekly one-hour discussion sections for `Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I'
I also graded weekly quizzes and exams. For detail, please visit Courseinfo


Fall 2008, Spring 2009 - No Teaching (thanks to the Presidential University Graduate Fellowship)

Teaching (and Grading) at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Spring 2008 - Introduction to Linear Algebra

I graded homeworks and exams for `Introduction to Linear Algebra.'

Fall 2007 - Calculus 2, Linear Algebra 2

I led a weekly two-hour discussion section for `Calculus 2'; graded weekly quizzes and exams.
I also graded homeworks and exams for `Linear Algebra 2.'

Summer 2007 - Differential Equations

I graded homeworks and exams for `Differential Equations.'

Spring 2007 - Linear Algebra 1

I led a weekly two-hour discussion section for `Linear Algebra 1.'